Psychology of Ragging

Except for the fact that every educational institution  has that one big poster saying "Say No to Ragging" and "Ragging is a punishable offense", at the campus and at the entrance, the reports of brutal mental and physical torture of the junior students are on rise. Majority of the cases are not even reported at all due to fear. For a fresher, ragging is not only a physical or psychological harassment, but it might actually lead many students to leave their dreams behind and exit an institution which they might have earned with hard work. And in the extreme case, as already seen in the recent incident at Jadavpur University,  it might lead to the death of students. Whatsoever the reason is, death can never ever be justified. Loss of a life can never be an explanation for anything in a world that talks about human rights.

Human nature has always been there to dominate others, to seek power. But when it goes beyond a limit that curtails individual rights and dignity, there should be the strictest punishment for it. No individual has the right to be superior to others in whatever the criteria is. And educational institutions are for pursuing education and not places of hooliganism. Our constitution secures Right to Education to all and henceforth, everyone, irrespective of their gender, caste, religion, sexuality, race etc. have the right to pursue it. It's just out of my knowledge,  how some people develop such vindictive and barbaric behaviour that compels them to exploit others. How can someone call themselves seniors when they are not meant to support their juniors, and just try to exert their power on them in a sense that has very much negative effect on the freshers?

Ragging, in my knowledge,  can never be an individual trait. It's a community trait and hence, when like-minded people come together,  they exert their beliefs. Counselling afterwards, I believe, cannot be the solution until it is taught from the childhood that one has no rights to curb another's.  The sadist nature of some people are responsible for the sufferings of others, for ruining one's mental health. Still, it's very burdensome for me to accept the death of a minor teenager who came to study in a 'so-called' prestigious institution that cannot guarantee their security. In exchange of a life, the authority would now 'think' of taking steps for student's protection. That's ok. But what about the one who died? He never deserved to die just because of the irresponsibility of an authority. There's no word of condolence for the family that went through this loss.We are a little late in talking about taking steps against ragging. To ensure that no further students is harassed, authorities need to have stricter laws. Surveillance is the most mandatory step. And definitely,  proper parenting is the base for everything to create an environment  of friendliness,  trust  and love. 

Picture courtesy- Pinterest 


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