
Whatever you do, never do give up...

 Its been long I haven't written anything. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning about the institution I was doing Masters at, but somehow, I'm adjusting to it. I feel it is not so difficult after all to adjust to a new place with a different culture. I am enjoying it. But, surrounded by people who are pulling me down and an education system with immense competition, I am somehow managing to cope up with everything. The main purpose I wanted to project here is that the amount of academic achievements one need to accomplish in order to get into a job or even a DPhil is immensely increasing day by day. I feel, living at a place which was supposedly a countryside in my school days, I am now lagging behind many others of my age, who lived in a metro city since childhood. And the pressure increases because time is limited now. Every other student like me would definitely know that a general graduate or post graduate degree is not enough now a days to get into a PhD like earlier. Bu

Experiencing mixed feelings about life

It's been quite a time I wrote a blog. Since the past month, my life has changed a full 180 degrees. I was somewhere and ended up in a completely different world. Well, not to be enigmatic, but that is what happened and I'm totally unsure of whether to be happy or not about it or just accept the fact that it's not just me who has ended up here but almost everyone pass through such a phase. I am talking about my hostel life. It's  not as easy or enjoyable as people thinks it is. Well, to be more specific, I'm currently doing my Postgraduation in Political Science from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and it's  the first time I am staying at a place all alone by myself. To many of you, it might sound ridiculous cause it's  not a big deal but try reminding yourself the first time you stepped out of your home all alone. The sudden increase in responsibility for yourself and your belongings is stressful, to be honest. To be able to include yourself in a differe

Psychology of Ragging

Except for the fact that every educational institution  has that one big poster saying "Say No to Ragging" and "Ragging is a punishable offense", at the campus and at the entrance, the reports of brutal mental and physical torture of the junior students are on rise. Majority of the cases are not even reported at all due to fear. For a fresher, ragging is not only a physical or psychological harassment, but it might actually lead many students to leave their dreams behind and exit an institution which they might have earned with hard work. And in the extreme case, as already seen in the recent incident at Jadavpur University,  it might lead to the death of students. Whatsoever the reason is, death can never ever be justified. Loss of a life can never be an explanation for anything in a world that talks about human rights. Human nature has always been there to dominate others, to seek power. But when it goes beyond a limit that curtails individual rights a

Reviewing a recently completed course

I graduated a month ago. Currently going to persue my Postgraduation somewhere I'm not sure now. I'll update when I take admission. Meanwhile I completed a 3 months online certificate course. I completed it day before yesterday and got my certificate today and felt the necessity to pen down something about the course. It's not one of those usual monotonous courses that people do. My places of interest have always been gender studies, sexuality and human rights. Well, not always; but since the time I got mature enough to realise the issues. Anyway, it's a course on International Women's Health and Human Rights offered by Stanford University, California.  To begin with, the instructor, Anne Firth Murray, is a wonderful lady. She's the founding president of the Global Fund for Women. We read one of her books called 'From Outrage to Courage' in every weeks' modules. It's one of the most informative  and fascinating books on women I ever read. The cou

Learning to be happy and coping with the fear of change

It's the middle of the night now. There's no specific reason for me to stay awake at this time; just that I couldn't catch a sleep. Maybe it's better to write than lie in bed thinking or overthinking of bizarre things that might never gonna happen, but that can actually ruin one's mental health for sure. Midnights are perhaps the best time to write because one's thought processes are much active at night than day, or at least mine is. It's completely my perception, though. But almost everyone, especially students like me, would agree that sleepless nights show us all the insecurities of our future. All we imagine about our future is a complete utopian and romanticized situation with no struggles and hardships, just a dream job and family in a dream city. Only when comes a sleepless night than one perceive the reality that life isn't really based on utopia. There's challenge all the way through. All insecurities, anxieties, fears and nervousness mingl